I am excited to announce that I am scheduled to speak about the tension between biological and cultural evolution at Saint Francis College in Brooklyn Heights. The title of my talk is “Highly-creative baby-breeding idea propagators: what human (re)productive choices mean for the future of our species“, and it will provide a partial overview of the ideas that form the core of my book-in-progress (with the current working title of Breeders, Propagators, & Creators: Culture, Biology, and the Future of Human Evolution).
The talk is happening in Room 6214 of 180 Remsen Street in Brooklyn on Friday, December 11th at 3 pm. Light refreshments will be served!
Please show up if you are interested in hearing me explore how different people allocate different proportions of their life resources to making babies, spreading ideas, and/or trying to come up with novel ideas. I will talk a little about cultural extremists and how they make sense in the light of cultural evolution but not in the light of biological evolution. I will also discuss what we know about who breeds, who propagates, and who creates… and what these (re)productive differences mean for the future evolution of our species.
I am grateful to Saint Francis College’s Evolutionary Studies Collaborative and Professor Gregory Tague for inviting me to speak! See you there…
Here’s the full flyer for the event: